If you would like to enjoy views of Watermans Park and Brentford Ait in Winter from a different perspective, with some wonderful drone footage contrasting with images of the Brentford Gas Works which once occupied the site where the park now is, I hope you’ll enjoy a short video on the Friends YouTube channel which you can find here.
The Friends have ambitious plans for 2024. As well as live free to attend music in the park at Summer Bandstands on July weekends and during the Creative Mile weekend at the end of August, we would like to create a community garden in the park close to the eastern entrance. A survey is now open on the Council’s Let’s Talk pages to consider our proposal. Our vision is to create a beautiful space in the park that promotes health, wellbeing, sustainability, and community friendships. Please do complete the survey – whether or not you’re a gardener – and give your feedback about the proposal and the park in general. Your views, comments and feedback are really important. The shared outcome of local community opinion will help determine the final design of the community garden, and demonstrate support so the Friends can apply for grant funding.
You can find the survey here. It is open until 14 March 2024.
Philip Jones
Chair, Friends of Watermans Park
18 February 2024